Information on arrival and departure
From Germany
Every hour a train travels from Trier to Luxembourg City. On this route you can either get off in Wasserbillig and take bus 485 directly to Echternach. Or take the train to Luxembourg City and take the 110/111 bus to Echternach. The bus leaves every 30 minutes from the main train station to Echternach.
From France (Paris / Nancy / Strasburg)
By TGV Est de Paris to Luxembourg City (2 hours), then take bus line 110 (direct) or 111 direction Echternach.
From Belgium
Start from almost all stations from Brussels to Luxembourg City, then take bus line 110 (direct) or 111 direction Echternach.
From Liege
Start from the train station "Gare de Guillemins" to Ettelbruck, then take bus 500 direction Echternach.
Follow the A1 towards Luxembourg. After the border take the exit Wasserbillig. After the exit follow the signs to Echternach. After 21 kilometers you reach the city.