Terms and Conditions
• The Scout camp in Echternach is rented preferably to scout troops. Private people may present their booking request. Their stay at our campsite will be authorized or refused based on the decision of the local scouting troop's committee.
• Every group must mop the facilities at the end of their stay, and every 2 days during longer stays.
• Every group must have insurance in case of damage.
• Every group is obliged to recycle and sort trash accordingly, if this isn’t the case, the Scout Camp has the right to charge an amount of 350€.
•In the case of keys of the campground being lost, the group has to pay a fee of 100€.
• Scout law should be the basis of all the home users’ activities.
• Every leader is responsible for the acts of his guides and scouts and is liable for eventual repairs. Every group or unit staying at the Scout Camp in Echternach must present an international Scout passport as well as an insurance policy for civil liability. The owner of the home and camp declines all liability in case of damage to persons and goods.
• Private cars as well as camping cars are not allowed on the Camping grounds except if they are used in favour of disabled people.
• Firewood can be collected in the adjacent forests. It is strictly forbidden to cut or damage trees or plantations in the forest as it is in private ownership.
• Camp-fires are allowed in the different camps, but must be put out and cleaned before departure.
• Radio, loudspeaker, etc. are allowed only at minimum volume. After 10 p.m. all noises outside the home are strictly forbidden and after 11 p.m. the Scout Camp asks for complete silence. • Smoking is prohibited in the Chalet.
• Arrival time is 14:00. If you wish to arrive on at another time, please contact the camp in advance!
• On the leaving day the camp and the home must be free by 11:00 (noon)
• In case of cancellation: 3 months in advance: Full refund
• In case of cancellation: 1 months in advance: 50 % has to be payed
By making a reservation you are accepting these terms and conditions.